Green And Purple Wedding Flowers. We used purple spider mums misty blue lavender spray carnations purple spray carnations Vendela roses dark purple stock purple Veronica Super Green roses and bright green salal leaves. We also have many other varieties like.
We used purple spider mums misty blue lavender spray carnations purple spray carnations Vendela roses dark purple stock purple Veronica Super Green roses and bright green salal leaves. A deep purple wedding bouquet with touches of green. Fresh Lavender is an excellent selection for accent or for a need of Small Purple Flowers.
White Blue April to October Hyacinth.
Bulk flowers filler greens unique floral supplies for NJs retail florists. For a wedding at the South Coast Botanic Garden in May the bride and groom wanted to feature all shades of purple flowers with bright green accents. White January to October Daffodil. Bulk flowers filler greens unique floral supplies for NJs retail florists.